Commencement dates
Time tables, No. of students appearing, Blocks, Student attendance, Assessment and other bills.
Question Papers
Semester 1 and 3
Semester 2
Examination committee meetings
Semester 1 and 3
Semester 2
Click the following link to read the University circular :-
Result of Revaluation applications declared on 22-6-2019
Click the following link to access the result:-
Arts and Commerce stream
First term 6 June 2019 to 24 October 2019
Second term 15 November 2019 to 2 May 2020
For more details see the following circular:- Continue reading “2019-20 Terms”
[WpProQuiz 2] |
Since Oct-Nov-Dec 2018 exams we have shifted to Bhanudas Dumbre’s database.
75-25 or 7 gp pattern results will still be printed from Microsys software
Mr. Dumbare has imported all 10 gp database since its beginning – y1617 and y1718
952 students and their 3500 records – average 3.67 records
Till date Mr. Dumbare has submitted following data