Arms control and disarmament

Arms control refers to a set of agreements, treaties, and measures designed to limit the proliferation of weapons, particularly in the context of international relations. It aims to reduce the risk of armed conflicts and enhance global security. These agreements can cover various aspects, including the number of weapons, their deployment, and sometimes even their…


Scope of Public Administration

The scope of public administration in India is vast and dynamic. It involves the management and implementation of government policies, programs, and services. Here’s a detailed breakdown: The scope of public administration in India is not only broad but also evolving with changing socio-economic and political dynamics. It’s a field that demands continuous learning and…



POSDCoRB is an acronym in the field of public administration. It was introduced by Luther Gulick and Lyndall Urwick in their 1937 paper titled “Papers on the Science of Administration.” Each letter in POSDCoRB represents a key function of administration: POSDCoRB is a useful framework for understanding the key functions of administration in both public…
