TYBA timetable Sem 6 Regular Mar-Apr 2025
Link to all videos – https://studio.youtube.com/playlist/PLmZU-yEbAsjQYzHT_eGRrWWmO2rPKvDKN/videos
Link to all lectures – https://studio.youtube.com/playlist/PLmZU-yEbAsjSCQCNP9F_78d1GxkEl5Hfa/videos
Video lectures Link to all lectures https://studio.youtube.com/playlist/PLmZU-yEbAsjQIQqlTZoSFVIT3qLkXgU-u/videos
In 2024-25 Political Science is one of the major subjects and therefore there are three papers:- Political Science Major Paper – Political Process in India – Credits 4 Vocational Skills course (VSC) – Media and Election Studies – Credits 2 Skill Enhancement Course (SEC) – Citizens and Law – Credits 2 Syllabus B.A. Politics (Sem.-…
India’s vast diversity is mirrored in its regional and sub-regional disparities, where pockets of prosperity often coexist with underdeveloped areas. This uneven growth reflects differences in governance, historical factors, resource distribution, and political priorities, resulting in challenges like migration, infrastructural imbalance, and socio-economic inequality. Urban vs Rural Disparities In most states, capital cities and major…
Edinburgh Geographical Institute; J. G. Bartholomew and Sons., Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
TRIPURA History Tripura was a Hindu Kingdom consisting of a strip of the fertile plains east of Bengal, and a large tract of the territory beyond, which had a reputation for providing wild elephants.At times when Bengal was weak, Tripura rose to prominence, and extended its rule into the plains, but when Bengal was strong…
Commonwealth, a free association of sovereign states comprising the United Kingdom and a number of its former dependencies who have chosen to maintain ties of friendship and practical cooperation and who acknowledge the British monarch as symbolic head of their association. Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. “Commonwealth”. Encyclopedia Britannica, 25 Dec. 2024, https://www.britannica.com/topic/Commonwealth-association-of-states. Accessed 10 January 2025. Britannica article about Commonwealth…