POSDCoRB is an acronym in the field of public administration. It was introduced by Luther Gulick and Lyndall Urwick in their 1937 paper titled “Papers on the Science of Administration.” Each letter in POSDCoRB represents a key function of administration:

  1. P – Planning: This involves setting goals and objectives, identifying the resources needed, and creating strategies to achieve those goals effectively.
  2. O – Organizing: Organizing means arranging resources, both human and material, in a structured way to carry out the plans effectively. It includes establishing roles, responsibilities, and hierarchies within an organization.
  3. S – Staffing: Staffing is about selecting and training the right people for the right jobs. It includes recruitment, training, and development of personnel.
  4. D – Directing: Directing involves guiding and motivating the staff to achieve the goals of the organization. It includes leadership, communication, and supervision.
  5. Co – Coordinating: Coordinating is the process of harmonizing the various activities and efforts within an organization to avoid conflicts and ensure smooth operations.
  6. R – Reporting: Reporting includes the generation and distribution of information within the organization. It’s about keeping everyone informed about progress, issues, and results.
  7. B – Budgeting: Budgeting is the allocation of resources, particularly financial resources, to support the plans and operations of an organization.

POSDCoRB is a useful framework for understanding the key functions of administration in both public and private sectors. It helps in breaking down the complex tasks of management into more manageable components.


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