
Realism and Liberalism – approaches to study international relations

Realism and liberalism are two contrasting approaches to studying international relations, each offering different perspectives on how the world operates and how nations interact with one another. Both realism and liberalism offer valuable insights into international relations, and scholars often use elements from both approaches to understand complex global dynamics. They provide contrasting lenses through…


National interest राष्ट्रीय हीत

“America has no permanent friends or enemies, only interests” ― Henry Kissinger National interest refers to the set of goals, objectives, and priorities that a nation or country seeks to achieve in order to protect and advance its well-being and security. It encompasses various aspects such as economic prosperity, political stability, national security, territorial integrity, and…



North Atlantic Treaty Organisation Established Members 31 as of July 2023. It started with 12 members as a military alliance of countries of west Europe and North America, in 1949, the beginning of the cold war. 1949 It has constantly expanded. In 1952 Greece and Turkey were included, Germany was added in 1955 – ofcourse…
