2.6.1 – Program outcomes, program specific outcomes and course outcomes

College runs three programmes (Page under construction)

  1. Bachelor of Arts (BA)
  2. Bachelor of Commerce (BCOM)
  3. Master of Commerce (MCOM)

Arts – BA – Bachelor of Arts

  1. To make the student aware about the political, economic and cultural developments in the Indian society.
  2. The student must know about the basic issues and problems faced by the Indian society.
  3. To make him/her aware of the international political and economic situation.
  4. To introduce the student with western and Indian political and economic thought and cultural developments.
  5. To make him/her more conversant with the English and Marathi language.

Political Science

The Political Science department has the following 12 courses in the first, second and third year and first to sixth semester for the Bachelor of Arts Degree programme.

List of courses

Sr. no.ClassSemesterCourse
1FYBAIIndian Political System : The Constitutional Framework
2FYBAIIIndian Political Process
3SYBAIIIPrinciples and concepts of Political theory
4SYBAIIIPublic Administration
5SYBAIVPolitical Values and Ideologies
6SYBAIVIndian Administration
7TYBAVInternational Relations : World Politics
8TYBAVPolitical Thought : Western Political Thought
9TYBAVPolitics of Modern Maharashtra
10TYBAVIInternational Relations : India in World Politics
11TYBAVIPolitical Thought : Indian Political Thought
12TYBAVIDeterminants of Politics of Maharashtra

Course outcomes 

FYBA Semester 1 – Indian Political System : The Constitutional Framework

Course Objectives:

Module 1

Understanding the Historical Context: Gain insight into the historical background leading to the formation of the Indian Constitution, including key events, debates, and influences.

Comprehension of Constitutional Components: Grasp the significance and content of the Preamble and identify the basic features that constitute the foundation of the Indian Constitution.

Module 2

Understanding Citizen Rights: Explore the concept of citizenship within the Indian context, focusing on fundamental rights enshrined in Articles 14 to 32 of the Constitution.

Appreciation of Directive Principles: Understand the Directive Principles of State Policy as outlined in the Constitution and their role in guiding state policy and governance.

Module 3

Understanding the Structure of Governance: Examine the structure and functioning of the legislature and judiciary, including the roles and powers of Parliament and the judicial system, both in original and writ jurisdiction.

Exploring Judicial Activism: Analyse the concept of judicial activism and its implications on governance and the balance of power between different branches of government.

Module 4

Understanding Executive Functions: Investigate the roles and responsibilities of the Union Executive, including the President, Prime Minister, and Council of Ministers, in the Indian political system.

Local Self-Government: Examine the provisions and implementation of the 73rd and 74th Amendments, focusing on decentralisation and local self-government in India.

Course Outcomes:

Module 1

CO 1 – Historical Awareness: Students will be able to articulate the historical context surrounding the making of the Indian Constitution and its significance in shaping modern India.

CO 2 – Interpretation of Constitutional Elements: Students will be able to interpret and analyse the Preamble and identify and discuss the basic features of the Indian Constitution.

Module 2

CO 3 – Understanding of Citizen Rights: Students will demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of fundamental rights and their implications for citizens in the Indian political system.

CO 4 – Applicability of Directive Principles: Students will be able to apply the Directive Principles of State Policy to analyse contemporary socio-economic and political issues.

Module 3

CO 5 – Knowledge of Governance Structure: Students will gain knowledge of the structure and functioning of the legislative and judicial branches of government in India.

CO 6 – Critical Thinking on Judicial Activism: Students will develop critical thinking skills to evaluate the impact of judicial activism on governance and democracy.

Module 4

CO 7 – Understanding Executive Roles: Students will understand the roles and functions of the Union Executive and their significance in the Indian political system.

CO 8 – Awareness of Local Governance: Students will be aware of the provisions and implementation of local self-government through the study of the 73rd and 74th Amendments.

FYBA Semester 2 – Indian Political Process

Course Objectives:

Module 1

Understanding Federal Dynamics: Explore the changing nature of the federal system in India, focusing on the dynamics of Centre-State relations, particularly in fiscal matters and during emergency situations.

Analysis of Autonomy Demands: Examine the demands for greater autonomy by various states and regions within India, and analyse the implications of these demands on the federal structure.

Module 2

Comprehending Party Politics: Understand the characteristics and features of national and regional political parties in India, and analyse their electoral performance since 1989 to discern trends and patterns.

Module 3

Exploration of Social Dynamics: Investigate the role of caste, religion, and gender in Indian politics, with specific reference to issues such as reservation, communalism, and political participation.

Module 4

Addressing National Security Challenges: Identify and analyse challenges to national security, including the criminalization of politics, internal threats such as Naxalism and insurgency, and the impact of global terrorism on India.

Course Outcomes:

Module 1

CO 1 – Understanding Federal System Changes: Students will comprehend the evolving dynamics of Centre-State relations, particularly in fiscal matters and during emergencies, and evaluate their impact on governance.

CO 2 – Analysis of Autonomy Movements: Students will analyse demands for greater autonomy and their implications for the federal structure of India.

Module 2

CO 3 – Insight into Party Politics: Students will gain insight into the features and characteristics of national and regional political parties and be able to analyse their electoral performance over the years.

Module 3

CO 4 – Understanding Social Dynamics: Students will understand the role of caste, religion, and gender in Indian politics and critically analyse their impact on political processes and outcomes.

Module 4

CO 5 – Addressing National Security Concerns: Students will identify and evaluate challenges to national security, including the criminalization of politics, internal threats such as Naxalism and insurgency, and the impact of global terrorism on India’s security landscape.

SYBA Semester 3 – Principles and concepts of Political theory

Course Objectives:

Module 1

Introduction to Political Theory: To introduce students to the fundamental concepts, scope, and approaches of political theory, providing a foundational understanding of its importance in analysing political phenomena.

Module 2

Understanding the State, Civil Society, and Market: To explore the concept of the state from various perspectives, including traditional and contemporary approaches, and to analyse the interplay between the state, civil society, and the market in political theory.

Module 3

Exploration of Power, Authority, and Legitimacy: To examine the concepts of power, authority, and legitimacy, understanding their definitions, sources, and implications for governance and political relations.

Module 4

Study of Law and Political Obligation: To delve into the concept of law within the context of political theory, analysing political obligations, including the right to resist authority when necessary.

Course Outcomes:

Module 1

CO 1 – Comprehensive Understanding of Political Theory: Students will demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of political theory, including its definition, scope, and the traditional and contemporary approaches used to study it.

Module 2

CO 2 – Analysis of State, Civil Society, and Market: Students will analyse the concept of the state and its changing perceptions, as well as the interactions between the state, civil society, and the market, recognizing their significance in political theory.

Module 3

CO 3 – Evaluation of Power, Authority, and Legitimacy: Students will critically evaluate the concepts of power, authority, and legitimacy, understanding their dynamics and implications for political governance and decision-making processes.

Module 4

CO 4 – Critical Analysis of Law and Political Obligation: Students will critically analyse the concept of law and political obligation, including the right to resist authority, and understand their role in shaping political structures and individuals’ obligations towards the state.

SYBA Semester 3 – Public Administration

Course Objectives:

Module 1

Introduction to Public Administration: To introduce students to the meaning, scope, and significance of public administration, tracing its evolution as a discipline and understanding its role in the contemporary context of liberalisation, privatisation, and globalisation.

Module 2

Study of Theories of Administration: To familiarise students with key theories of administration, including scientific management theory by F. W. Taylor, bureaucratic theory by Max Weber, and human relations theory by Elton Mayo, providing insights into different approaches to organising and managing public institutions.

Module 3

Exploration of Basic Principles and Theories of Organization: To examine fundamental principles and theories of organisation in public administration, including hierarchy, delegation, centralization, decentralisation, motivational theories by McGregor and McLelland, and leadership theories like trait theory and contingency theory, enabling students to understand organisational dynamics and employee behaviour.

Module 4

Analysis of Contemporary Techniques and Practices in Administration: To analyse contemporary techniques and practices in public administration, such as good governance, e-governance, and public-private partnerships, allowing students to understand the challenges and opportunities in modern governance structures.

Course Outcomes:

Module 1

CO 1 – Comprehensive Understanding of Public Administration: Students will demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of public administration, including its conceptual framework, historical development, and contemporary relevance in the context of globalisation and technological advancements.

Module 2

CO 2 – Critical Evaluation of Theories of Administration: Students will critically evaluate key theories of administration, understanding their strengths, limitations, and applicability in various organisational contexts, and analysing their implications for effective management and decision-making.

Module 3

CO 3 – Application of Organisational Principles: Students will apply fundamental principles and theories of organisation in public administration contexts, demonstrating their ability to analyse organisational structures, design efficient processes, and enhance employee motivation and leadership effectiveness.

Module 4

CO 4 – Analysis of Contemporary Administrative Practices: Students will analyse contemporary administrative practices, such as good governance, e-governance, and public-private partnerships, assessing their impact on public service delivery, accountability, and efficiency, and identifying strategies for improving governance outcomes.

SYBA Semester 4 – Political Values and Ideologies

Course Objectives:

Module 1

Understanding Rights: Explore the meaning and nature of rights, theories of rights, and their classification to provide a comprehensive understanding of the concept of rights in political theory.

Module 2

Exploration of Political Values: Examine basic political values such as liberty, equality, and justice to understand their significance in shaping political ideologies and systems.

Module 3

Study of Democracy: Analyse theories of democracy, principles of liberal democracy, and the conditions necessary for the successful functioning of democracy to develop a deep understanding of democratic governance.

Module 4

Examination of Political Ideologies: Study prominent political ideologies such as Marxism, Fascism, and Feminism to comprehend their core principles, historical contexts, and impact on political thought and practice.

Course Outcomes:

Module 1

CO 1 – Comprehensive Understanding of Rights: Students will demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the concept of rights, including their meaning, nature, theoretical foundations, and various classifications.

Module 2

CO 2 – Appreciation of Political Values: Students will appreciate the significance of fundamental political values such as liberty, equality, and justice and understand their role in shaping political systems and policies.

Module 3

CO 3 – Knowledge of Democratic Principles: Students will gain knowledge of democratic theories, principles of liberal democracy, and the essential conditions for the successful functioning of democratic governance.

Module 4

CO 4 – Understanding of Political Ideologies: Students will understand the core principles, historical contexts, and key characteristics of prominent political ideologies such as Marxism, Fascism, and Feminism, and critically analyse their impact on political thought and practice.

SYBA Semester 4 – Indian Administration

Course Objectives:

Module 1

Understanding Indian Administration: Gain an understanding of the structure, evolution, and constitutional context of Indian administration, including its salient features and the role of district administration since independence.

Module 2

Personnel Administration: Learn about the recruitment process for All India Services, Central services, and State services, including the role of Public Service Commissions and the importance of training programs.

Module 3

Financial Administration: Understand the budgetary process, the role of parliamentary committees such as the Public Accounts Committee and the Comptroller and Auditor General in financial oversight, and the principles of financial accountability.

Module 4

Exploration of Contemporary Issues: Analyse contemporary issues in Indian administration, including integrity in administration through institutions like Lokpal, Lokayukta, and the Central Vigilance Commission, the relationship between citizens and administration, and the implementation of Citizen’s Charters.

Course Outcomes:

Module 1

CO 1 – Comprehensive Understanding of Indian Administration: Students will demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the evolution, structure, and constitutional context of Indian administration, including its salient features and the role of district administration.

Module 2

CO 2 – Knowledge of Personnel Administration: Students will gain knowledge of the recruitment process for various government services, the functions of Public Service Commissions, and the importance of training in personnel administration.

Module 3

CO 3 – Understanding of Financial Administration: Students will understand the budgetary process, the role of parliamentary committees and the Comptroller and Auditor General in financial oversight, and the principles of financial accountability in Indian administration.

Module 4

CO 4 – Analysis of Contemporary Issues: Students will analyse contemporary issues such as integrity in administration, the relationship between citizens and administration, and the implementation of Citizen’s Charters, and propose solutions to address these challenges.

TYBA Semester 5 – International Relations : World Politics

Course Objectives:

Module 1

Understanding International Relations: To provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the field of international relations, including its definition, scope, and relevance in contemporary global politics.

Exploration of Approaches: To familiarise students with key theoretical approaches in international relations, particularly realism and liberalism, and enable them to critically analyse international political dynamics through these lenses.

Conceptual Understanding: To introduce students to fundamental concepts such as power, national interest, and balance of power, and to facilitate their understanding of how these concepts shape international relations.

Module 2

Analysis of World Order: To analyse the structure of the international system, including the dynamics of the Cold War era characterised by bipolarity, and the shifts in world order post-Cold War, including unipolarity, multipolarity, and non-polarity.

Module 3

Study of Conflict, Peace, and Security: To examine different types of conflicts and their changing nature, explore approaches to peace such as arms control, disarmament, and collective security, and understand the evolving concept of security encompassing both national security and human security.

Module 4

Exploration of International Political Economy: To study key institutions and mechanisms shaping the global economy, including the Bretton Woods Institutions (IMF, World Bank, WTO), regional economic integration such as the European Union, and the phenomenon of globalisation.

Course Outcomes:

Module 1

CO 1 – Comprehensive Understanding of International Relations: Students will demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the field of international relations, including its definition, scope, and relevance in global politics.

CO 2 – Critical Analysis through Theoretical Lenses: Students will be able to critically analyse international political dynamics using theoretical approaches such as realism and liberalism, and evaluate their applicability in different contexts.

CO 3 – Application of Conceptual Knowledge: Students will apply their understanding of fundamental concepts such as power, national interest, and balance of power to analyse and interpret various international political phenomena.

Module 2

CO 4 – Analysis of World Order: Students will analyse the structure of the international system, including the dynamics of the Cold War and post-Cold War world orders, and evaluate the implications of shifts in global power configurations.

Module 3

CO 5 – Understanding of Conflict and Peace: Students will understand different types of conflicts and their changing nature, evaluate approaches to peace, and analyse the concept of security in its national and human dimensions.

Module 4

CO 6 – Understanding of International Political Economy: Students will understand key institutions and mechanisms shaping the global economy, analyse regional economic integration processes, and critically evaluate the impacts of globalisation on world politics and economics.

TYBA Semester 5 – Political Thought : Western Political Thought

Course Objectives:

Module 1

Understanding Western Political Thought: To provide students with a comprehensive understanding of significant thinkers and their ideas within Western political thought, spanning from the Renaissance to contemporary times.

Examination of Modern State: To analyse the contributions of key political thinkers such as Niccolo Machiavelli and John Locke to the conceptualization of the modern state and its institutions.

Module 2

Exploration of Liberty and Justice: To examine the ideas of John Stuart Mill and John Rawls regarding liberty, justice, and the role of the state in safeguarding individual rights and promoting social justice.

Module 3

Study of Revolution and Hegemony: To analyse the theories of Karl Marx and Antonio Gramsci regarding revolution, hegemony, and the dynamics of power in society and politics.

Module 4

Exploration of Feminism and Multiculturalism: To study the contributions of Simone de Beauvoir and Will Kymlicka to feminist theory and multiculturalism, and to understand their implications for political thought and practice.

Course Outcomes:

Module 1

CO 1 – Comprehensive Understanding of Western Political Thought: Students will demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of significant thinkers and their ideas within Western political thought, spanning different historical periods and ideological perspectives.

CO 2 – Critical Analysis of Modern State: Students will critically analyse the contributions of Machiavelli and Locke to the conceptualization of the modern state, including their views on sovereignty, authority, and political power.

Module 2

CO 3 – Evaluation of Liberty and Justice: Students will evaluate the ideas of Mill and Rawls regarding liberty, justice, and the role of the state in promoting individual freedom and social equality, and critically assess their relevance in contemporary political discourse.

Module 3

CO 4 – Analysis of Revolution and Hegemony: Students will analyse the theories of Marx and Gramsci regarding revolution, hegemony, and class struggle, and critically evaluate their applicability in understanding contemporary political dynamics.

Module 4

CO 5 – Understanding of Feminism and Multiculturalism: Students will understand the contributions of de Beauvoir and Kymlicka to feminist theory and multiculturalism, and critically assess their implications for political theory and practice, particularly in relation to issues of gender equality and cultural diversity.

TYBA Semester 5 – Politics of Modern Maharashtra

Course Objectives:

Module 1

Understanding the Historical Context: To provide students with an understanding of the historical background of Maharashtra, including the evolution of the idea of Maharashtra, the nationalist movement, social reform movements, and the Samyukta Maharashtra Movement.

Module 2

Analysis of Sub-regionalism and Regional Disparity: To analyse the dynamics of sub-regionalism, regional disparities, and development issues within Maharashtra, focusing on regions like Konkan, Marathwada, and Vidarbha, as well as reports like the Dandekar Committee Report and the role of Statutory Development Boards.

Module 3

Study of Political Institutions: To examine the political institutions in Maharashtra, including the State Legislature, the Chief Minister and Council of Ministers, and the judiciary, understanding their composition, functions, and roles within the state’s political framework.

Module 4

Exploration of Caste and Politics: To analyse the intersection of caste and politics in Maharashtra, including the dynamics of dominant caste politics, Dalit politics, and OBC politics, and to understand their impact on the state’s political landscape.

Course Outcomes:

Module 1

CO 1 – Historical Understanding: Students will demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the historical background of Maharashtra, including key movements and events that have shaped its political landscape.

Module 2

CO 2 – Analysis of Regional Dynamics: Students will analyse sub-regionalism, regional disparities, and development issues within Maharashtra, critically evaluating reports and mechanisms aimed at addressing these disparities.

Module 3

CO 3 – Understanding of Political Institutions: Students will understand the functioning and roles of key political institutions in Maharashtra, including the State Legislature, the executive branch, and the judiciary, and their significance in the state’s governance.

Module 4

CO 4 – Critical Analysis of Caste and Politics: Students will critically analyse the role of caste in Maharashtra’s politics, including dominant caste politics, Dalit politics, and OBC politics, and understand how these dynamics influence political processes and outcomes in the state.

TYBA Semester 6 – International Relations : India in World Politics

Course Objectives:

Module 1

Understanding Foreign Policy and Diplomacy: To provide students with a comprehensive understanding of foreign policy, its objectives, and the role of diplomacy in India’s engagement with the world.

Examination of Determinants of Foreign Policy: To analyse the determinants of India’s foreign policy, including political, economic, social, and strategic factors, and understand how these factors shape India’s approach towards international relations.

Module 2

Study of India’s Relations with Major Powers: To study India’s relations with major powers such as the USA, Russia, and China, including historical context, current dynamics, and future prospects.

Module 3

Exploration of India’s Relations with Neighbours: To examine India’s relations with its neighbours, particularly within the SAARC region, focusing on key relationships with Pakistan and Bangladesh, including historical conflicts, diplomatic efforts, and prospects for cooperation.

Module 4

Analysis of India’s Role in International Organizations: To analyse India’s role in international organisations, with a specific focus on its engagement with the United Nations and ASEAN, understanding India’s contributions, challenges, and opportunities within these multilateral frameworks.

Course Outcomes:

Module 1

CO 1 – Comprehensive Understanding of Foreign Policy: Students will demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of foreign policy objectives and the role of diplomacy in India’s engagement with the international community.

CO 2 – Analysis of Determinants of Foreign Policy: Students will analyse the various determinants of India’s foreign policy and understand how these factors influence India’s approach towards global affairs.

Module 2

CO 3 – Understanding of India’s Relations with Major Powers: Students will understand the historical context, current dynamics, and future prospects of India’s relations with major powers such as the USA, Russia, and China.

Module 3

CO 4 – Insight into India’s Neighbourhood Relations: Students will gain insight into India’s relations with its neighbours, particularly within the SAARC region, including an understanding of historical conflicts, diplomatic efforts, and prospects for regional cooperation.

Module 4

CO 5 – Knowledge of India’s Role in International Organizations: Students will gain knowledge of India’s role in international organisations such as the United Nations and ASEAN, understanding its contributions, challenges, and opportunities within these multilateral frameworks.

TYBA Semester 6 – Political Thought : Indian Political Thought

Course Objectives:

Module 1

Understanding Indian Political Thought: To provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the key thinkers and ideas in Indian political thought, spanning different historical periods and ideological perspectives.

Examination of Ideas on State: To analyse the perspectives of thinkers such as Mahadev Govind Ranade and Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi on the nature and role of the state in Indian society, including concepts of governance, justice, and sovereignty.

Module 2

Study of Nationalism: To examine the contributions of Rabindranath Tagore and Vinayak Damodar Savarkar to the discourse on nationalism in India, including their conceptions of nationhood, identity, and cultural regeneration.

Module 3

Exploration of Rational and Radical Reform: To analyse the ideas of Gopal Ganesh Agarkar and Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar regarding rational and radical reforms in Indian society and politics, focusing on issues of social justice, equality, and empowerment.

Module 4

Understanding of Socialism: To study the socialist perspectives of Jawaharlal Nehru and Rammanohar Lohia, including their visions for economic development, social welfare, and egalitarianism in post-colonial India.

Course Outcomes:

Module 1

CO 1 – Comprehensive Understanding of Indian Political Thought: Students will demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of key thinkers and ideas in Indian political thought, including their historical context, ideological foundations, and contemporary relevance.

CO 2 – Analysis of Ideas on State: Students will analyse and evaluate the perspectives of Ranade and Gandhi on the nature and role of the state, critically assessing their contributions to Indian political theory and practice.

Module 2

CO 3 – Evaluation of Nationalism: Students will critically evaluate the conceptions of nationalism presented by Tagore and Savarkar, understanding their implications for Indian identity, unity, and cultural resurgence.

Module 3

CO 4 – Critical Analysis of Rational and Radical Reform: Students will critically analyse the ideas of Agarkar and Ambedkar on rational and radical reform, assessing their proposals for social change, political empowerment, and transformation in Indian society.

Module 4

CO 5 – Understanding of Socialist Thought: Students will understand and evaluate the socialist visions of Nehru and Lohia, analysing their approaches to economic planning, social justice, and the role of the state in promoting equality and development.

TYBA Semester 6 – Determinants of Politics of Maharashtra

Course Objectives:

Module 1

Understanding the Political Economy of Maharashtra: To provide students with an understanding of the intersection between politics and economics in Maharashtra, including the role of businesses, cooperatives, and land issues in shaping political dynamics.

Module 2

Study of Political Parties in Maharashtra: To analyse the major political parties operating in Maharashtra, including their ideologies, organisational structures, and strategies, and to understand the dynamics of coalition politics in the state.

Module 3

Examination of Contemporary Issues and Movements: To examine contemporary issues and social movements in Maharashtra, including tribal issues, farmers’ movements, and agitations, and to understand their impact on state politics and society.

Module 4

Exploration of Civil Society Initiatives: To explore civil society initiatives and alternative models of development in Maharashtra, including the concept and nature of civil society, movements for the right to information, and initiatives for environmental protection.

Course Outcomes:

Module 1

CO 1 – Comprehensive Understanding of Political Economy: Students will demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the political economy of Maharashtra, including the influence of business interests, cooperative movements, and land issues on political processes and policies.

Module 2

CO 2 – Analysis of Political Party Dynamics: Students will analyse the dynamics of political parties in Maharashtra, including the Indian National Congress, Nationalist Congress Party, Bharatiya Janata Party, and regional parties, and understand the complexities of coalition politics in the state.

Module 3

CO 3 – Critical Evaluation of Contemporary Issues: Students will critically evaluate contemporary issues and social movements in Maharashtra, including tribal issues and farmers’ movements, analysing their causes, objectives, and impact on governance and policy making.

Module 4

CO 4 – Understanding of Civil Society Initiatives: Students will understand the role and significance of civil society initiatives in Maharashtra, including movements for transparency and environmental protection, and assess their contribution to social change and development in the state.


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