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On the first day of the first major land war in Europe in decades, the Russian military plunged into Ukraine by land, sea and air. Russia shelled more than a dozen cities and towns, including outside the capital, Kyiv. Russian troops moved across the Ukrainian border in several waves, landing in the port city of Odessa in the…
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Mon, 10/02/2017 – 01:50 — Shubharaj Buwa Rights – हक्क Meaning and nature of rights – हक्कांचा अर्थ आणि स्वरुपTheories of rights – हक्कांचे सिध्दांतClassification of rights – हक्कांचे वर्गीकरण Basic Political values – मूलभूत राजकीय मूल्ये Liberty – स्वातंत्र्यEquality – समानताJustice – न्याय Democracy – लोकशाही Theories of democracy – लोकशाहीचे सिद्धांतPrinciples of liberal democracy…