
IQAC April 2022 meeting

Final meeting of academic year 2021-22 was conducted in the Principal’s office on 25th April 2022. Meeting notice Members present (11) Minutes of the 22nd December 2021 meeting finalised. Academic plan for next academic year 2022-23 discussed. There was discussion about new ERP software from MasterSoft to be installed. It is a comprehensive software and…


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IQAC Dec. 2021 online meeting

First IQAC meeting under the guidance of new Principal Dr. Ashwini Torane. Meeting was conducted at the Principal’s office at 5:00 pm on Monday 22nd Dec.  2021. Members present (11) Minutes of the 27th Sep. 2021 meeting finalised. There was partial lockdown. Teachers were asked to attend college thrice a week. Students were still not…
