
21 June Yoga Day – Guest Lecture

Mr. Sharad R. Wable (63), retired Physical Education Teacher, Chembur Education Society’s school, Chembur and a Yoga advocate, delivered a guest lecture, in FYBA classroom of the college, from 8 to 9 pm, explaining the importance of Yoga in everyone’s life. A group of about 50 students was present.

Leading a stress free and simple life – (there are celebrities who prefer to sit on the ground for lunch and dinner) – exercising regularly with an empty stomach at your preferable time during the day, eating light – सात्विक अन्न – Indian food, homemade food, (and not horlicks etc.) concentrating on studies these are the things to be followed by the students.

Kumbhakarna sleeping for six months and remaining awake for rest of the year was possible only because of certain yogic powers attained by him. He praised PM Modi for working 18 hours a day and said that was only possible because of his regular exercise routine. According to Mr. Wable, PM Modi dedicates one hour daily for exercise. He was the person to popularise Yoga globally. Because of him some 85 countries, including Islamic countries, now follow Yoga. UN declared 21 June, the longest day of the year, as Yoga day, credit goes to PM Modi.

Mr. Wable also claimed that Pranayama adds days to life. Good health improves the standard of life. Good amount of blood circulation is required in your body. There are examples of 9 year olds getting heart attacks. You should take care of your health.

Do simple asanas – Padmasana, Vajrasana and even Shavasana – there is no need to do complicated things displayed on the TV programmes or social media. Yoga has to be done carefully and gradually, step by step. Yoga increases your endurance. Better utilise your time. Get certificates of Yoga practice. These certificates will be useful in getting government jobs.

Students don’t forget Valentine day but it is hard for them to remember Yoga day. Enjoy life, but don’t forget your responsibilities, make resolutions and follow them sincerely.

Mr. Wable is 63 but looks like 36. Mr. Wable survived successfully after a heart attack, a bypass surgery, a paralysis attack, and brain haemorrhage, credit goes to regular exercise and practice of Yoga, said, Prof. Buwa summarising Mr. Wable’s lecture.

I/C Principal Prof. Nagesh Suryawanshi, Prof. Prakash Sawant and Prof. Pramod Dhengle were present for the lecture. Prof. Dnyaneshwar Jambhule did the anchoring for the programme. He also introduced the speaker to the students. Prof. Sandeep Kajabe proposed the vote of thanks.


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