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IPR seminar @Kosbad hill

The Staff Training Academy of Gokhale Education Society had organised a one day seminar on Intellectual Property Rights at the Krishi Vidnyan Kendra, Kosbad hill, Taluka Dahanu, District Palghar

Some snaps

Click the link to see the photographs – https://photos.app.goo.gl/AKh1sZAzAFqvEc8RA

Some notes and links

IPR is territorial. You have to register it in every country where you want to use it commercially.

TRIPS agreement 1995

Indian Patent Act 1970

PHOSITA – Person having ordinary skill in the art

Incremental improvement stools, chairs

Gamechanging invention

Global Innovation Index Indian rank 40

Patent is an agreement between government and the inventor

Jugad Padmashri Rahibai seed bank

My father discovered my mother and both of them inventd me – my maths teacher used to give this example

Synergistic properties

Onco mouse

Dr. Vandana Shiva Neem patent rejected because of her efforts

Traditional knowledge library

Patents on Yoga in USA

North face

South butt

Geographical Indications GI

Rasgulla from Orissa
Odisha Vs Bengal


the unethical or unlawful appropriation or commercial exploitation of biological materials (such as medicinal plant extracts) that are native to a particular country or territory without providing fair financial compensation to the people or government of that country or territory
The 60-year-old scientist was dwelling in semi-isolation, having … lost his job at a Brazilian research institute and been charged with a raft of offenses, including misusing government property and violating Brazil’s biopiracy laws.
—Joshua Hammer, Smithsonian, February 2008
Turmeric is a poster child for one of the most noted intellectual-property cases on biopiracy, which pitted an Indian government-supported research organization against a 1995 patent issued to the University of Mississippi for the use of the spice for wound healing.
—Gary Stix, Scientific American, February 2007
Indigenous people are at the mercy of biopirates who steal their traditional knowledge of medicinal plants.
—Stephen Leahy, New Scientist, 28 Feb. 2004

Chetan Bhagat and 3 Idiots

Monkey selfie case


Monkey selfie
Full body monkey selfie

AI implemented invention first patent filed


Process patent simple patent Yeole tea

Medicated Tulsi water


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