CDC meeting 28 March 2022

Minutes of the CDC meeting (held online) on 28th March 2022

Recorded video of this meeting is available here – 

CDC meeting 28th March 2022

The second College Development Committee for the academic year 2021-22 was held online on 28th March 2022 from 3:30 pm to about 5:00 pm.

Following members of the committee were present:-

  1. Principal Dr. Mrs. S. V. Sant, Vice Chairperson, Gokhale Education Society (She represented the Chairman of Gokhale Education Society – Principal S. B. Pandit)
  2. Dr. Ashwini Torane, Incharge Principal Dr. T. K. Tope Arts & Commerce Night College, Parel, 
  3. Dr. R. P. Deshpande, Treasurer and Trustee, Gokhale Education Society
  4. Dr. K. G. Nandela, Vice Principal, Dr. T. K. Tope Arts & Commerce Night College, Parel
  5. Prof. Shubharaj Buwa, IQAC coordinator, Dr. T. K. Tope Arts & Commerce Night College, Parel
  6. Prof. Pankaj Pandagale, Teachers representative, Dr. T. K. Tope Arts & Commerce Night College, Parel
  7. Dr. Nagesh Suryavanshi, Dr. T. K. Tope Arts & Commerce Night College, Parel
  8. Mrs. Sayali Adivrekar, Office Superintendent, Dr. T. K. Tope Arts & Commerce Night College, Parel

Incharge Principal Dr. Ashwini Torane greeted all the participants.  Dr. R. P. Deshpande chaired the meeting.

Principal Sunanda Gosavi of SMRK College, Nashik passed away on 30th November 2022.  She actively participated in the major activities and decision making process of the Gokhale Education Society.  Tributes were paid to her by maintaining silence for a few seconds.

Dr. Ashwini Torane read the minutes of the last CDC meeting, which was held on 26th October 2021, and they were confirmed by the committee.  Principal V. B. Rokade and Prof. Chandrakant Satam was present in that meeting besides all the above-mentioned current members.  

Shubharaj Buwa, Associate Professor and IQAC coordinator, presented a report about the AQAR for the year 2020-21, which is to be submitted to the NAAC.  The report is available here.   It discussed all entries made by the college in the AQAR for 2020-21.  He also said that the work of setting up a payment gateway is pending due to some technical reasons.  The college had approached CCAvenue for this task.  The report was presented to the CDC for approval.

Principal Dr. Suhasini Sant suggested that the pending work of payment gateway can be done through BillDesk, as Shri Bhausaheb Vartak Arts, Commerce & Science College, Borivali has already set up the payment gateway with BillDesk.  Primary work has been done and as a sister concern your college can easily set up the gateway now.  Prof. Buwa assured to work on this suggestion.

OS Mrs. Sayali Adivrekar presented a report of leaves taken by the staff members.  The detailed report can be read here.  

Dr. Torane raised the issue of 51 excess leaves of peon Shri S. D. Zankar – whether these should be considered as leave without pay?  Principal Sant asked whether a letter informing the employee about excess leaves was issued?  Dr. Torane said that the letter was not issued because the leaves were not counted properly.  But he was orally informed many times and earlier Principal Rokade had issued a letter.

Dr. Sant said that the onus of not counting the leaves falls upon the college administration.  It is our lacuna.  Dr. Torane agreed upon this point.  Further, Dr. Sant said that without pay leave should have been recorded on a monthly basis.

Dr. Torane said that COVID-19 lockdown, his train journey from Nashik all points were considered and all possible concessions and benefits of doubt were given to him.  Finally it was decided to issue a letter informing Mr. Zankar about his 51 days leave without pay, if rules and lockdown circulars allow.

Dr. Torane sought permission of the CDC to start biometric attendance from 1st April 2022, for all staff members.  Permission was granted.

Later Dr. Torane presented a report of college activities for the academic year 2021-22.   Following were the main points:-

  1. College reopened on 15th November 2021 after Diwali vacation.
  2. Principal V. B. Rokade retired on 30th June 2021 and handed over his charge to Dr. Torane on 16th November 2021.  A special function was organised to felicitate Principal Rokade
  3. Dr. Krishnan Nandela received his PhD degree from JJT University, Rajasthan – his topic was related to child labour issue in Mumbai.
  4. Online state level lecture series was organised jointly by the department of Political science of our college and University of Mumbai Political Science Council,  on 16th and 17th March 2022. India Russia relations and the Ukraine issue were the two topics covered by Dr. Uttara Sahastrabuddhe and Dr. Sanjay Deshpande respectively.  Dr. Sahastrabuddhe is the HOD of Department of Civics and Politics, University of Mumbai and Dr. Deshpande is the head of the Eurasian studies centre, University of Mumbai.
  5. Dr. Prakash Sawant received the best teacher award given by the Gokhale Education Society on 19th February 2022 – i.e. Gokhale day.
  6. Prof. Supriya Yadav’s (Assistant Professor, Accoun stage 1 to stage 2 CAS (Career Advancement Scheme) proposal was approved by the Joint Director office.  She received the best sports person award from Maharashtra Association for Canoeing & Kayaking, affiliated to Maharashtra Olympic Association.  She will soon face final viva for her PhD degree.
  7. Prof. Dhengle and Prof. Jambhule were promoted from stage 2 to stage 3 through the CAS.  
  8. New pay scale will be applicable to all promoted teachers from next month.
  9. Prof. Shelar’s research proposal was accepted by the BMCC research centre, Pune.  He was recently appointed on CHB (Clock hour basis) for Accountancy.
  10. Prof. Dhengle took special efforts to enhance the communication skills of college students.
  11. Remedial lectures were conducted for students appearing for the ATKT exams.
  12. Prof. Dhengle arranged a meeting about the mentoring programme on 17th February 2022.  Around 120 students were physically present for the programme.
  13. Birth anniversary of social reformer Savitribai Phule was celebrated on 3rd January 2022.
  14. OS Sayali Adivrekar received the best employee award from the Gokhale Education Society.
  15. Workshop on quality management was organised.
  16. A book exhibition was organised in the college library on 27th Feb. 2022, Marathi bhasha gaurav din.
  17. Construction work is going on in the college campus and extra space will be provided to all units working in the Parel campus of the Gokhale Education Society.
  18. Offline lectures started from 15th Feb. 2022 after the lockdown was ended.
  19. Tree plantation in college premises on 26th January and blood donation camp was organised by NSS students on 24 March 2022.  27 units of blood were collected.  They had also organised a vaccination camp on 28th October 2021.

The AQAR was approved by the CDC.  Principal Sant mentioned her satisfaction about the online and offline activities conducted by the college.

Principal Sant asked to concentrate on increasing the number of admissions in college in all faculties. She also asked whether any special efforts were taken to increase the student strength.  Dr. Torane replied that Prof. Sawant, Vice Principal Nandeal and Prof. Pandagale had visited nearby junior colleges including our own night junior college, in this connection.  Number of students increased from around 700 in the year 2020-21 to 881 in 2021-22.

Principal Sant and Principal R. P. Deshpande gave special instructions that in any case extra cash should not be kept in the College.

Finally Prof. Nandela proposed the vote of thanks.

Dr. Ashwini Torane

Principal Incharge


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