Best practices 2020-21

Best practice no. 1

  1. Title of the practice – Online teaching
  2. The context that required the initiation of the practice – COVID-19 crisis and the continuous lockdowns since March 2020 compelled us to go online.
  3. Objectives of the practice – To continue the teaching process during the pandemic period surpassing all the hurdles and limitations on actual physical interactions.
  4. The practice – Actual classes were not possible this year.  All teachers conducted online classes.  Zoom, Google meet and YouTube services were utilised.  Teachers, students and even their parents were in constant touch with each other through Telegram and Whatsapp groups and via the ubiquitous mobile phone.  Complaints, if any, were received through google forms and resolved on a priority basis.  
  5. Obstacles faced, if any, and strategies adopted to overcome them – Many of our students had returned back to their villages in Konkan area due the COVID-19 situation and economic hardships caused by it.  They faced connectivity issues.  Some of them had to use public internet connections available in the village or had to use private connections of friends and commercial establishments.  Few students travelled on the highway passing through the village to get an internet connection.  But somehow they managed to attend classes.  Intermittent attendance was an unavoidable problem.
  6. Impact of the practice – The institution was able to complete the syllabus for the academic year, conduct exams and deliver results.  There was no break in the academic progress of the students.
  7. Resources required- 
    1. Zoom monthly subscription of Rs. 1534 or free Google meet.
    2. Good quality microphones
    3. Technical knowhow of making the lecture available live with YouTube live service.
    4. Disk space to record lectures
    5. Video editing skills
    6. YouTube channel
  8. About the institution
    1. ​​​​​​​Name of the institution – Dr. T. K. Toper Arts & Commerce Night College, Parel, Mumbai 400012
    2. Year of accreditation – 2017
    3. Address – 21, Gokhale Society lane, Parel, Mumbai – 400012 – Maharashtra
    4. Grade awarded by NAAC – B
    5. Email – [email protected]
    6. Contact person for further details – Shubharaj Buwa, Associate Professor, Political Science and IQAC coordinator.
    7. Website –

Best practice no. 2

  1. Title of the practice – Organising online lecture series based on syllabus.
  2. The context that required the initiation of the practice – Besides the peculiar COVID-19 situation, lack of quality study material particularly related to the syllabus, forced us to think in this direction.  
  3. Objectives of the practice – 
    1. To provide good quality and relevant study material to students in multimedia format – audio-video-presentations. 
    2. Second objective was to provide study material in Marathi language.
  4. The practice A lecture series was organised by the department of Political Science from 14th to 17th July 2020 and a lecture was organised by the Economics department on 31st July 2020.  Similar lecture series on Indian Political Thought is planned for next year.
  5. Obstacles faced, if any, and strategies adopted to overcome them – Some technical difficulties were faced in the process of recording and preserving video content, but they were overcome with the help free and open source online consultation available.
  6. Impact of the practice – YouTube recordings of these lectures have received numerous views.  Students and the teaching community from all over Maharashtra have used these resources and responded positively.  
    1. Lecture series on Western Political Thought – feedback form.
    2. Lecture organised by Economics department – feedback form
      1. Email column is deliberately hidden in both these forms to protect the privacy of the participants.
  7. Resources required- 
    1. Zoom monthly subscription of Rs. 1534.
    2. Good quality microphones
    3. Technical knowhow of making the lecture available live with YouTube live service.
    4. Disk space to record lectures
    5. Video editing skills
    6. YouTube channel
  8. About the institution
    1. ​​​​​​​Name of the institution – Dr. T. K. Toper Arts & Commerce Night College, Parel, Mumbai 400012
    2. Year of accreditation – 2017
    3. Address – 21, Gokhale Society lane, Parel, Mumbai – 400012 – Maharashtra
    4. Grade awarded by NAAC – B
    5. Email – [email protected]
    6. Contact person for further details – Shubharaj Buwa, Associate Professor, Political Science and IQAC coordinator.
    7. Website –


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