1.3 Curricular Enrichment
Project and Field work
First term 13 June 2023 to 18 September 2023 DateProgrammeSaturday, 10 June 2023College Admission committee meetingSaturday, 10 June 2023CDC Meeting as per MPU Act 2016.Tuesday, 13 June 2023College Reopening – Faculty Meeting.Thursday, 15 June 2023TY lectures will beginThursday, 15 June 2023IQAC Meeting & Preparation of the Academic Calendar.Monday, 19 June 2023National Reader’s day celebrations in…
Link to Survey form तुमच्या ईमेल कडे लक्ष द्या – NAAC Survey ची लिंक तुमच्या ईमेलवर येणार आहे. Link to presentation Link to descriptive video प्रश्नावलीतील प्रश्नांचा मराठीतून सारांश 1. अभ्यासक्रम किती पूर्ण होतो ? 2. शिक्षकांची तयारी ? 3. शिक्षकांचे संवाद कौशल्य ? 4. शिक्षकांचा शिकवण्यासंबंधीचा दृष्टीकोन ? 5. पेपर – प्रोजेक्ट तपासणीचा दर्जा…
In last five years since 2018-19 to 2022-23 College has started two certificate courses. Click the links below for more information:-
Course details
Year Seminar (6.3.2) 2018-19 7,829 2019-20 12,250 2020-21 3,400 2021-22 3,000 2022-23 11,151 Total 37,630
2019-20 2018-19