India before partition – British empire

pocket veto, the killing of legislation by a chief executive through a failure to act within a specified period following the adjournment of the legislature. In the United States, if the president does not sign a bill within 10 days of its passage by Congress, it automatically becomes law. However, if Congress adjourns within the 10-day period and the president does not sign the bill, it is…
Realism and liberalism are two contrasting approaches to studying international relations, each offering different perspectives on how the world operates and how nations interact with one another. Both realism and liberalism offer valuable insights into international relations, and scholars often use elements from both approaches to understand complex global dynamics. They provide contrasting lenses through…
EC seeks power to act against inactive, unrecognised parties September 8, 2021 The Election Commission of India has flagged the presence of political parties that have not contested any election for many years and sought powers to deregister them or act against them, if required. At a meeting with the law ministry last week, EC…
Unlike Europe, the speakers of hundreds of different languages in India agreed to belong to a single nation because the Constitution promised them freedom of expression, making it mandatory on the state to encourage languages ‘without harming other languages’.
The Shankari Prasad case, officially known as “Shankari Prasad Singh Deo v. Union of India,” is a landmark judgment in the history of Indian constitutional law. It was a significant case that established the supremacy of the Parliament of India in amending the Constitution and set the initial foundation for the doctrine of Parliament’s amending…